Category: ground zero

ground zero: look to the sun for the warning

check out the new ground zero tv!

from clyde lewis: The mixture of religion, politics and science is all in the plan to develop an umbrella of a new religious movement, a universal construct for whatever new plans are lurking in the shadows. Plans that are meant to lead you into making choices you would not normally make. The elite are using eschatology and the threat of final judgment as a weapon to further their control over a world that does not take the time to uncover the conspiracy that hides the keys to occult or hidden knowledge. 


ground zero: apocalypse cow

ground zero: apocalypse cow

from clyde lewis: I have been concerned lately that the mainstream media has been abusing the term “conspiracy theory” with regards to what has been happening with the mass deaths of birds and fish. While many people have written off the events of the past weeks and have convinced themselves that what has happened is normal, the death cloud has now moved to animals. It is frustrating to read how the media downplays these events and goes out of their way to belittle and make fun of those who point to glaring prophecy and calls them conspiracy theorists.  

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ground zero: blood libel & the grinning egregore

update: ‘2012: fore-structuring the new aeon’ on dvd! 

check out the new ground zero tv!
from clyde lewis: In the meantime, the meme of the grinning bald man with no eyebrows sees you in your dreams and stares at you from the morning paper. He is a reminder of how pressures can rise and burst into acts of violence. How little acts of violence can conjure all sorts of darker thoughts and words. How darker thoughts and words can spark wars. How wars can kill millions. How apologists will tell you that the deaths in war are sacrifices for the greater good. How the end of the world happened with good intentions.


ground zero: final cycle of creation – due date coming

check out the new ground zero tv!
from clyde lewis: I hardly find myself in a position where I am obsessing over demons or even the possibility that the spirit of an ancient demon has somehow manifested itself in our back yard. However I have reached that point now and I hope that eventually I can move on and tell everyone that the coast is clear on the matter. At the moment it seems that the coast is not clear.


ground zero: dreaming of indrid cold & the mothman addendum

from clyde lewis: Urban legends are always frustrating to me because no matter how many times you hear them you want to stop the storyteller and tell them that the story is a legend and that there is no fact to back it up. I realize now that there is no harm in these stories and people can believe in Kentucky fried rat or in exploding cactuses loaded with spiders or hookers that take your kidneys while you sleep if they so choose.

update: the pazuzu mothman addendum


ground zero lounge: turn me on dead man

from clyde lewis: If you want to have your mind blown about the Beatles, Charles Manson, and the number 9 this show will most definitely do it.   Recorded in front of a live audience and produced by Mike Smith “Turn me On Dead Man” is a show dedicated the possibility of traumatic mind control, conditioning, predictive programming, and corrupt leadership that washed the 1960’s with drugs, blood, and turmoil.  Please Pay attention to the details of the “police state” predictions, the racial tensions and other issues and how a year ago they wer just boiling and now it seems the police state and racial tensions are at the forefront in the mainstream news.Was there a small group of controllers who used the Beatles and Charles Manson as tools for a failed race war? Is the reconditioning happening all over again? Find out by watching and downloading this remarkable show.


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ground zero live: revelation #9 – the murder of john lennon

from clyde lewis: John Lennon was more than just a dead hippie rock star. He was more than Michael Jackson or Cobain. His background is far more complex and probably a bit darker and tragic than the people would allow themselves to comprehend. This makes his murder more intriguing than just a mere drug overdose, or alleged suicide. It goes far beyond the story of a crazed lone nut gunman. It has many loose ends that will continue to be investigated. Icon’s of history, have histories that when uncovered can paint quite a different picture than the one framed by the mainstream narrative.


ground zero: blackjack friday & communumbers

blackjack friday: the face of error

from clyde lewis: When terrorism comes knocking at your back door, you take notice. When conspiracy is happening in your neighborhood, you just don’t know who you can trust. On November 26th, 2010, a day known as Black Friday, people in Portland gathered for the traditional lighting of the Christmas tree in Pioneer Courthouse square. What they didn’t know is that a white van pulled up near the square loaded with 55 gallon drums. These were supposed to be bombs. The problem is he bombs were not wired to go off. They were duds. They were fake bombs provided by the FBI. They were used to incriminate a would be terrorist who later was apprehended in an area near Portland’s Train Station.


from clyde lewis: Since World War I, it is believed that the numbers being broadcast are secret codes that are sent to agents who are told to listen to a frequency to get their orders. When traffic is especially heavy on the radios, it is believed that some major event is about to take place whether it be a coup or a full on war.

In June of 2010, the FBI arrested 10 people for allegedly serving for years as secret agents of Russia’s intelligence with the goal of penetrating U.S. government policy-making circles. People I am sure were shocked about this. It sounds like something straight out of a cold war blockbuster. They were asked by Russian intelligence to learn all they could about our nuclear weapons and where they are positioned, policies about Iran, White House rumors, CIA leadership turnover, the last presidential election, and the Congress and political parties.

What was the tool they used to receive their orders? It was a short wave radio. It wasn’t sophisticated or high tech it was just a simple 1920’s era technology. The spies would sit down in front of their radios with spiral notebooks and write down a series of numbers. The most important thing to remember is that these numbers can be heard by anyone in the United States.


ground zero: cryptical mass

with thanks to zero point radio & ground zero tv
from clyde lewis: On October 31st, 2010, using a radio similar to “Frank’s Box, a wire cable into a sound board, broadcasting 100,000 watts of power though an FM transmitter and relaying it through a computer to an AM transmitter in Wyoming blasting 50,000 watts of power, I along with Jonathan Burgess, Reed McClintock, and David John Oates successfully contacted and received communications from unknown voices on the air…. On Sunday November 7th, 2010, one week after the first attempt we try again to see if we can duplicate what we have done. If we hear the same activity we heard on Halloween we hope that it is newsworthy and of merit for investigators who have been trying to improve their communications with the other side.


ground zero: broken arrow, the nuclear fear-for-all

with thanks to zero point radio & ground zero tv
from clyde lewis: We may be all on the edge of our seats wondering if a war is about to happen, however if we listen to what the mainstream media tells us and a few disinformation spinners perhaps it’s best that we start paying attention to what goes up. Because things that go up always seem to come down and no one wants to be the one to say that Chicken Little was right.


related: clyde on ‘the free zone’ with freeman, nov13

previous episode: cryptical mass