Archive for January 18, 2011

ground zero: blood libel & the grinning egregore

update: ‘2012: fore-structuring the new aeon’ on dvd! 

check out the new ground zero tv!
from clyde lewis: In the meantime, the meme of the grinning bald man with no eyebrows sees you in your dreams and stares at you from the morning paper. He is a reminder of how pressures can rise and burst into acts of violence. How little acts of violence can conjure all sorts of darker thoughts and words. How darker thoughts and words can spark wars. How wars can kill millions. How apologists will tell you that the deaths in war are sacrifices for the greater good. How the end of the world happened with good intentions.


Hour of Slack #1291 – God Vs. “Bob” Vs. Science (Rerun of #866 from 2002)

This extremely lively episode from 2002 features many great men expounding on various weighty subjects, wielding absurdly deep thoughts. The very rift of the chasm between science and faith is rent asunder — by the great Zoogz Rift himself! That sentence, and this show, might not make sense . . . to PINKS! But it’s a classic for SubGeniuses. Then-new songs (Zoogz, Drexel, Half Man Half Biscuit) comingle with choice LeMur cut-ups and the old BAD DOKTORS album — betwixt bouts of excellent Puzzling Evidence Show (Puzzling Evidence, Dr. Hal, Philo Drummond) and ESO Swamp Radio (Chas Smith, Rev. Ivan Stang, Lonesome Cowboy Dave). Even Christopher Hyatt and Israel Regardie contributed a song to this one.

Listen or Download via The SubGenius Hour of Slack Podcast.

YouTube – 1/21 – Hijacking Humanity Final Cut.

The Series Introduction of The Cause of Effect : Hijacking Humanity, Chapter 1 of the series, titled, “Do As We Say, Not As We Do” presents the main argument of the film, that a few people in positions of power can manipulate the masses, and analyzes exactly how and why they would do so.
Writer/Director Paul Verge relays his personal story about coming to terms with the grand deception of society’s System.
His journey traveling across Canada and the United States reveals insights rarely heard in today’s mass media, because it is simply too profitable to keep this information secret.

Edward Bernays is a central figurehead in the development of mass marketing techniques, and his role in history is examined in Chapter 1, as well as the techniques of Hegelian Dialectic, Compartmentalization of Information, and Secret Societies.